Archive for Settembre, 2007

The Free Digitalized Library - Soil and Health

There are four major subject areas:

Radical Agriculture. The nutritional qualites of food and consequently the health of the animals and humans eating that food are determined by soil fertility. This section’s interest is far wider than organic gardening and farming; other health-determined approaches to food-raising are also included. Go to the Agriculture Library

The Restoration and Maintenance of Health. Nutritional medicine heals disease, builds and maintains health with diet—and sometimes heals with fasting or other forms of dietary restriction. There are many approaches represented in this collection. There is also a collection concerning longevity and nutritional anthropology. Go to the Health Library

Achieving Personal Sovereignty. Physical, mental, and spiritual health are linked to one’s lifestyle. This collection focuses on liberating activities, especially homesteading and the skills it takes to do that—small-scale entrepreneuring, financial independence, frugality, and voluntary simplicity. There is also a collection of social criticism, especially from a back-to-the-land point of view. Go to the Personal Sovereignty Library

Achieving Spiritual Freedom. There are many seemingly-different self-betterment roads. The books in this collection seek to empower a person to effect their own development in an independent manner. Go to the Spiritual Freedom Library.


Clippings and Miscellaneous. Since this library’s beginning patrons have sent information and URLs where interesting bits of information and viewpoints could be found. Here you will find articles and essays and etc. that support and enhance the information found in our book collections. Go to the Clipping File.

Latest E-Books Added. Digitalized titles added to the online Soil and Health Library in the last few months, click here:


The MonkeyChow Reblog Publishing Platform

A recent query from a MonkeyChow user about reblogging got me to rethinking about how it is currently implemented in MonkeyChow. This is not the first time someone has asked me about automatically feeding a blog system like Wordpress with the reblog/recycle feed from MonkeyChow (rss.php). I had previously looked into this back when WP was at v2.0 and rejected a WP plugin called WP-o-Matic because it really hosed my test blog, but this sounded like the ideal tool.

Fast forward to WP 2.2.2 and it seems like the plugin now works as advertised with WP! A blog without frequent posts usually drives people away. I originally wanted to use this type of a tool to boost my post frequency, since I do a lot of reading and make good use of the Recycle box for this site. But this is a quantity vs quality issue and I finally decided that high volume posting was not what I wanted. I find it annoying that some bloggers post minutia as new articles, rather than adding on to an existing article or post in their own comments. However, there are uses for such a tool.

So one of the things that was missing in the MonkeyChow reblog RSS feed was article bodies. That was added this morning to the rss.php. By combining WP with WP-o-Matic, and aiming at your MonkeyChow reblog feed, you can now have a reblog publishing platform. For any article in MonkeyChow where the Recycle box is checked, WP-o-Matic will automatically pick up the article and post it to WP. This can be seen in action at my test blog: One of the problems I’m seeing is that there is no link back to the original article, so attribution is an issue.

For this site, I do a similar reblog action with the SimplePie WP plugin which automatically posts in the sidebar to the right.

Update: I found these instructions, which make use of the Get Custom Field Values plugin to make the titles work with proper link attribution. Note that this works for the entire blog, since the change replaces the original function, otherwise we would need to come up with some sort of conditional statement for making the title work with WP’s original the_permalink function, or this one.

To get the source link to work in the post, grab this plugin, install it and activate it.
Plugin Name: Get Custom Field Values
Version: 2.1
Plugin URI:

Then paste this code:
<?php echo c2c_get_custom(’wprss_link’); ?>
in the loop on your template index.

This code puts the source URL as the link for the post title. Example:

<h3 class=”storytitle” id=”post-<?php the_ID(); ?>”><a href=”<?php echo c2c_get_custom(’wprss_link’); ?>” rel=”bookmark”><?php the_title(); ?></a></h3>



Risorse per le lingue




BBC Learning English

Interessanti materiali sulla pronuncia e sulla notazione fonetica internazionale, oltre al resto, che segue in modo ottimale  gli standard tipici dei corsi d’inglese multimediali.






corsi on line gratuiti


Rassegna dei principali periodici e fonti informative italiani e internazionali in rete.

Rassegna dei principali periodici e fonti informative italiani e internazionali in rete.

  1. Quotidiani italiani
  2. Periodici italiani
  3. Quotidiani e periodici esteri
  4. Agenzie, Televideo ed altro
  5. Televisioni
  1. Quotidiani italiani
  2. Periodici Italiani
  3. Quotidiani e periodici esteri
  4. Agenzie, Televideo ed altro
  5. Televisioni

E-book liberi da diritto d’autore e altre licenze

Si intendono "libere da diritto d’autore" le opere i cui autori, eventuali traduttori ed eventuali curatori siano deceduti da oltre 70 anni. Tale definizione di "libero da diritti d’autore" viene adottata per semplicità, ma non è esatta (ad esempio, il diritto di paternità su un’opera è inalienabile; alcuni diritti quindi non cessano mai di essere validi). Per ulteriori informazioni sul diritto d’autore.

E-book liberi da diritto d’autore
Creative Commonsquanto dei testi liberi da diritto d’autore è sotto tutela (impaginazione, grafica, ecc.) è distribuito - salvo diversa indicazione - con licenza "Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5". Per ulteriori informazioni e per leggere la licenza completa, collegarsi al sito Internet Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 2.5.
E-book protetti da diritto d’autore
i testi protetti da diritto d’autore possono essere utilizzati e copiati solo per uso personale. Quindi, non possono essere inseriti in collezioni di testi on-line; non possono essere ceduti a terzi (i quali dovranno scaricarli direttamente dal sito di Liber Liber); non possono essere utilizzati a fini commerciali, ecc.
E-book con licenza "GNU Free Documentation License"
alcuni testi sono distribuiti con licenza "GNU Free Documentation License". Per saperne di più su questo tipo di licenza, fare riferimento al sito: